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little bottle中文是什么意思

用"little bottle"造句"little bottle"怎么读"little bottle" in a sentence


  • 小玻璃瓶
  • "little"中文翻译    adj. (less 或 lesser; least; ...
  • "bottle"中文翻译     bottle1 n. 1.瓶;一瓶的量。 2 ...
  • "little hill like gold bottle" 中文翻译 :    金瓶似的小山
  • "a bottle of" 中文翻译 :    一瓶……
  • "bottle" 中文翻译 :    n. 〔英方〕(干草等的)束,堆。 look for a needle in a bottleof hay 干草堆里找针,吃力不讨好,徒劳无益。 bottle1 n. 1.瓶;一瓶的量。 2.〔the bottle〕奶瓶;(瓶装)牛奶。 3.〔the bottle〕酒;饮酒。 4.(装酒,油等的)皮囊。 a wine bottle 酒瓶。 a bottle of wine 一瓶酒。 a bottle messenger (用作测定海流等试验的)海流瓶。 a three-bottle man 酒量大的人。 be fond of the bottle 好酒贪杯。 bring up [raise] on the bottle 用奶瓶喂(婴儿),用牛奶把(婴儿)哺育大。 crack a bottle 开瓶饮酒。 hit the bottle 〔俚语〕饮酒过多,酗酒。 keep (sb.) from the bottle 不让(某人)喝酒。 keep to the bottle 爱喝酒,嗜酒。 (talk) over a bottle 一面喝酒一面(谈话等)。 pass bottle 传杯轮饮。 take to the bottle 喝上酒,爱上酒。 vt. 1.把(酒等)装瓶;把(水果等)装罐贮藏。 2.忍着,含着(不平、怒气等)(up). 3.〔英俚〕捕获(逃犯等),使(逃犯、敌军等)陷入困境(up). bottle grape juice 把葡萄汁装瓶。 bottle up one's temper 克制住自己的脾气。 Bottle it! 〔美俚〕不要吵了! 静一静! bottle off 把…由桶中移装瓶内(bottle off a cask of wine 把一桶酒分装进若干小瓶)。 bottle up 1. 把…封在瓶内;压住(感情),隐匿(事实)。 2. 封锁(交通等);捕获(逃犯等);使(逃犯等)陷入困境。 keep things bottleed up 把事情瞒起来。 Traffic was bottleed up in the tunnel. 隧道停止通行。 adj. -d 1.瓶装的。 2.〔俚语〕醉醺醺的,喝醉了的(bottled gas 瓶装煤气,瓶装液化石油气。bottled water瓶装纯净水)。
  • "a little" 中文翻译 :    (表示肯定)一些,一点点; 少量;稍许; 少量;少许; 它们也可以用作形容词,修饰不可数名词,这时有一点区别; 我有点儿; 小点点; 些子; 一点,稍; 一点,稍,一些,少许; 一点,稍微,一些,少许; 一点,少量; 一点,少许; 一点,也许; 一点,一些; 一点;一些,少许; 一些(不可数); 一些, 一点点, 一点儿, 稍微, 些许; 一些,少许;一点儿; 一些(用于不可数名词); 一些事情; 有点;少量;稍微; 有一点
  • "a little of" 中文翻译 :    少些
  • "as little" 中文翻译 :    必有另一个
  • "but little" 中文翻译 :    只一点点
  • "for a little" 中文翻译 :    一会儿
  • "in little" 中文翻译 :    小规模地, 缩小地
  • "little" 中文翻译 :    n. 利特尔〔姓氏〕。 adj. (less 或 lesser; least; 〔俚、方〕 -tler; -tlest) ★ less, lesser, least 通例是与 more, most 相对应的用语,表示数量、程度方面的小,亦可代替表示形体小的。 smaller, smallest. 又: little 除“小”的意义之外,还含有可怜、轻蔑等的感情。 习惯上只说 great and little, big and little, great and small, large and small, 不说 large and little, big and small. 1.(opp. big) 小,小的;年轻的,年纪小的,可爱的。 a little dog 小狗。 a little drop [a little glass] of whisky 一小滴[一小杯]威士忌酒。 the little Smiths 斯密士(家)的孩子们。 my little man [woman] 小弟弟[姑娘]。 a nice little thing 可爱的小家伙。 our little life 我辈短促的生命〔人生如寄之意〕。 2.(opp. great) 孩子似的,孩子气的;琐碎的,小的,吝啬的,心地狭窄的。 L- things amuse little minds. 小孩欢喜小东西。 sb.'s little game 孩子似的〔可笑的〕举动[手法]。 a little thing 小事。 a little mind [soul] 狭小的气量。 3.〔表示数量等的否定用法,无冠词〕 (opp. much) 只有少许〔一点点〕,没有多少。 There is but little hope. 没有多少希望。 I have little hope, if any. = I have little or no hope. 简直没有希望。 4.〔表示数量等的肯定用法,加冠词〕 〔cf. a few〕 有一点。 There is a little hope. 有一点希望。 a little time [while] ago 片刻之前,刚才。 I will go a little way with you. 我陪你走一段路。 A little care would have prevented it. 稍微当心一点,这种事情就不会发生。 ★有时纯属礼貌上的形式,无表示微少的意义,只作some的代用语。 例: Let me give you a little mutton. 让我给你(一点)羊肉。 May I have a little money 给我(点)钱好吗? A little more [less] sugar, please. 请给我多[少]来一点糖。 only a little wine 只一点点酒。 I gave him the little money that I had. = I gave him what little money I had. 我把所有的一点点钱统统给了他。 but little 只一点点 (I have but little money. 我只有一点点钱)。 go but a little way to 差得远,不够。 make little of 1. 不重视,轻视,不以为意。 2. 难了解,不领会。 little ones 孩子们〔加用 our, her等〕。 little or no 简直没有,几乎没有。 no little (=not a little)不少,很多。 very little 很少;一点也没有 (He has very little sense. 他没有常识。 He takes very little trouble about his work. 他做事一点也不用心)。 n. 1.〔肯定用法,表示程度、数量的〕小,少。 Every little helps. 〔谚语〕点点滴滴都起作用。 know a little of everything 什么都懂一点。 the little不重要[无足轻重]的人。 A little is better than none. 聊胜于无。 2.〔否定用法,无冠词〕一点点,少许,些许。 He has seen little of life. 他不懂世故。 L- remains to be said. 简直没有什么可以讲了。 I got but [very, rather] little out of it. 我简直没有从这当中得着什么。 a little at a time 每次少许。 after a little 过了一会儿。 by little and little =little by little 一点一点地,慢慢地,逐渐地。 for a little 一会儿,不久。 from little up 〔美国〕从幼年起。 in little 小规模的,小型的。 little or nothing =little if anything 简直没有,几乎没有。 not a little 不少,相当多。 quite a little 〔美口〕大量,许多,丰富。 the little = what little 仅有的一点 (He did the little that [what little] he could. 他尽到了他仅有的微力)。 adv. 1.〔肯定用法,加冠词 a〕一点,稍,略。 I speak English a little. 我稍能说一点英语。 Wait a little. 等一下。 He is a little better today. 他今天好一点了。 2.〔否定用法,无冠词〕毫不,一点也不;几乎不,简直不〔主要和 know, imagine, dream, think, guess 等词连用〕。 little known writers 不大出名的作家,无名作家。 He little knows. 他不知道。 little better [less] than 和…一样,和…没有差别,半斤八两。 little more than 和…一样[无差别]。 little short of 简直是,几乎。 set little by 轻视。 think little of 不重视,不在乎。
  • "little of" 中文翻译 :    称不上
  • "no little" 中文翻译 :    许多的, 不少的
  • "not a little" 中文翻译 :    不少的; 换用; 许多,很; 一点水; 意思是"一点也不
  • "the little" 中文翻译 :    小人物们
  • "by little and little" 中文翻译 :    一点一点地, 逐渐地; 一点一点地,逐渐地; 逐渐地
  • "little by little" 中文翻译 :    渐渐地;逐渐地; 慢慢的,逐步的; 一点一点地,逐渐地; 一点一点地,渐渐地; 逐渐的; 逐渐地,一点点地; 逐渐地;一点一点地
  • "bottle nose; bottle whale" 中文翻译 :    槌鲸
  • "bottle of writing fluid bottle" 中文翻译 :    墨水瓶
  • "a bottle of beer" 中文翻译 :    一瓶牛肉
  • "a bottle of glue" 中文翻译 :    一瓶胶水
  • "a bottle of ink" 中文翻译 :    一瓶墨水
  • "a bottle of lemonade" 中文翻译 :    一瓶汽水
  • "a bottle of milk" 中文翻译 :    一瓶牛奶


  • This time she found a little bottle on it and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label .
  • [ opening the little bottles ] mmmm . they smell nice
  • " the mini - bar is open , and empty little bottles of booze
  • " may i bring a nice little bottle of sec ?
    “我带一瓶赛克白葡萄酒来行吗? ”
  • Not bad for a little bottle of sugar water
  • Who ' s working on his ninth little bottle of kahlua , i might add
  • He takes out a little bottle . takes out a pill and puts it into snow white ' s mouth
  • I had the privilege of being able to sit with her in her home . she would teach . i ll never forget the day she pulled out a little bottle
  • Near her master in the bathroom she had found a little bottle , and gripped in old man fellows ' hand , so tightly that he had crushed it , was an eyedropper
  • You have heard that my wife bertha came back to my unloving arms , and took up her abode in the cottage : where , to speak disrespectfully , she smelled a rat , in the shape of a little bottle of coty
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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